Working on birthday cards + shop update

A sketch from my Instagram profile

The finished illustration. Drawn and painted with Photoshop CS6

Nel mio negozio Etsy potrete inoltre trovare due nuovi printables, sempre a tema compleanno ma questa volta per i più piccini :)
In my Etsy shop you can find also two new birthday printables, this time specifically for the little ones :)


HEY! Vi ricordo che nel mio negozio Etsy fino al 30 gennaio potrete usufruire di uno sconto su qualsiasi acquisto inserendo il codice coupon 1000THANKYOU. Non perdere questa occasione!
HEY! I remember you that until January 30th in my Etsy shop you can avail of a 10% discount on anything you buy inserting the coupon code 1000THANKYOU. Don't miss this opportunity!

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